What is this Site?

This site was created to provide a tool to help parents monitor their cats progress and to standardize the data collection process for cats being treated for FIP with GS-441524.

Because GS-441524 is not presently approved for use on cats by any regulatory body, many veterinarians are not familiar with the treatment process. The lack of familiarity, as well as the lack of transparency around GS-441524, leads many vets to advise pet owners to euthanize their cats as the most humane option for an FIP-positive kitty.

There is still a lack of public data available, and a lack of public awareness that GS-441524 is a very effective treatment for FIP. To address this concern, this site helps to legitimize the use of GS-441524 as a viable alternative to euthanasia. Thousands of cats worldwide have been cured from FIP. As more parents record their data on this site, additional statistics will be made available in relation to treatment success rates and outcomes.

Please Share this Site with your veterinarian so that they can become familiar with the FIP treatment process

Current peer-reviewed research shows a success rates for cats that make it past the first week of GS-441524 treatment as being around 90%. The cats used in the clinical study were specifically seleted after numerous tests, so results for these cats may not be representative of the achievable results for a typical cat with FIP. The cats with data being logged on this website, however, are representative of the average cat going through treatment.

Who runs this site

This site is run by Jeff Kessler, an individual who has successfully treated his cat, Cat Stevens, using GS-441524.

Hi! I (Jeff) have no involvement or affiliation with any companies, individuals, or facebook groups that are selling, manufacturing, or distirbuting GS-441524 or any other supplements or drugs for cats.

I'm a cat-lover, avid hiker, and researcher with a PhD in energy and climate policy from the University of California, and an MS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Colorado. Given my background and experience with statistics and economic modeling, I find myself frequently furstrated by the lack of transparent data and information associated with the FIP treatment process. This was especially frustrating when treating my cat. I wanted to know things like: What brands are good? What's the difference between brands? What does a relapse look like? What is the success rate? Do the oral pills work? What do neurological symptoms look like?

To help address these concerns that I and other cat parents have, I created this site. In addition, I have also used analytical chemistry equipment on several brands of GS (results available upon request) to identify variability and potential differences from one GS brand to another. The analytical chemistry data I collected helped inform my opinion on what brand to use for my cat's relapse treatment.

I intend for this site to be used as a resource to help scared and nervous cat-parents everywhere. The site also has functionality to help warrior admins provide advice and to help monitor your treatment progress and cat's overall health. Have your admin get in touch with me if they are not sure how to use the site.

I run this site free-of-charge, and I am not currently asking for any donations. I do not intend to collect revenue to support this site (it is very cheap to operate, presently). I hope that alternative treatment approaches will exist before costs to run this site are beyond what I can afford. The site does not store or collect personal information beyond what the user provides as their email address. No data that you add to this site will ever be sold to any companies or individuals, and will be used solely for the purpose of helping parents, vets, and researchers better improve outcomes for cats being treated for FIP.

If you find website bugs, problems, or issues, or would like specific features added, I will try to address these requests as soon as possible (usually within a day or two). Please submit a bug or request through the github respository, or send me an email.

Tell me about Cat Stevens!
Cat Stevens is a beautiful boy!

In January 2020, we noticed that Cat Stevens looked a little off. His fur was looking less groomed, and it looked like he had been losing a bit too much weight. When we took him to the vet in early February, they weren't certain what was wrong with him. A week later we moved him over to intensive care at Vista Veterinary specialists, and he received a diagnosis of Dry (non-effusive) FIP a few days later. At the time, our vet thought we were going to have to put him down.

After frantically looking at the peer-reviewed literature, I (Jeff) found the Pedersen et al. (2019) paper which indicated that GS-441524 could be used to effectively treat cats for FIP. Several hours later I had made it to the FIP Warriors facebook page, and was being connected with a supply of GS-441524, that I was able to pickup that evening.

We started treatment with Cat Stevens on February 19th, 2020. After one injection, Cat Stevens was feeling good enough to leave intensive care, and we took him home to continue treatment. The next several weeks were remarkable! We saw Cat Stevens go from a curled up ball of misery to a normal-seeming, active cat. As he re-gained his strength, the injections became harder and harder. We looked at various options for restraining him. We looked into cones, and kitty tortillas. The most important thing was to continue to give him this miraculous, life-saving drug.

Eventually, we got into a routine that worked best for us: no restraints. We set aside a room in our home for injections, and removed anything that he would be able to hide under/inside of which would make injections impossible. We found that by using a pair of thick gloves, and numerous churus, we were often able to get an injection into him while he was distracted by the treat. The injections worked best when we didn't rush them, and just bribed him into a corner with churus.

By early May, we were looking forward to finally being done! Unfortunately, by day 3 of the observation period it was apparent that he had relapsed. We believe the relapse was because he had undetected neurlogical symptoms, and that we had not been treating at a high enough dosage to pass the blood brain barrier. This is a known issue with treating cats for Dry FIP, which is why many admins now suggest a starting dosage of 10 mg/kg for dry cases.

We began our second round of treatment for Cat at 10 mg/kg, and decided after the 1st month to step it up to 15 mg/kg to make sure we were at sufficiently high concentrations to cross the blood brain barrier. After another 84 days of injections, and a whole lot of yowling, mis-haps, and stress, we were finally finished.

We completed Cat's 84-day observation period on October 30th, 2020. Our boy can now be declared officially cured!

Cat Stevens is a beautiful boy!